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Ground Running is a homework club for artists!


A club where we hold each other accountable to get shit done.

The point is to collectively lift our game, use peer pressure positively and step up, kick some goals, create our own wins and feel positively excellent about ourselves. 




Ground Running is a 5 week club designed for us all to collectively get our shit together so we can “hit the ground running” at the start of 2024!


There are 3 different tasks to choose from each week, so you can choose which task is best for your professional development. 


It is all about kick starting the productivity at your own pace so you select which ones are relevant and able to fit into your schedule. If you fail to compete a task that week it will result in a $2 fine which will be donated to a charity. 


Tasks will be posted and monitored each week via a privet FB page and/or direct email. I will track your progress and send you motivation/reminders when needed. 

The FB page is also used for motivation, troubleshooting and brainstorming (no question is a bad question).


Tips, tricks and advice will be posted too so get ready for that sweet nummy dopamine every week when you complete a task. 



Starting from the 5 NOV - 11 DEC


The tasks will fall into either a business, physical or creative category. This way depending on your focus you will always have a task to select from. 

The club requires you to do one task per week, but you are welcome to do extra homework if you want!


Task rules. 

  • Tasks will never cost money 

  • Tasks will only take between 1-3 hours 

  • Business tasks are the full admin mode. Bills, web, socials, cv, dropbox and excel focused. 

  • Creative tasks are designed to exercise and inspire your creative mind.

  • Physical tasks will always be achievable for any level. 

  • I wish I was a wizard... but I'm not so send advice/

  • The $2 fine is there as a deterrent. It’s there to annoy your brain and encourage you to just DOING the task.

  • Also, $2 fine is 100% donated to the arts so it’s all positive. 

  • Tasks are designed to make you feel good. Push yourself in the areas you want to grow.


Club runs from 3 June - 7 July 2024.


To join the club email:


We will send you the link to the club page and get you started!

JOINING FEE - a sliding scale. 


Studies have shown that you are more likely to follow through with something if you are invested and have someone or something keeping your accountable.


I know we all earn different amounts so the joining fee is a sliding scale. Anywhere from $2 to $20 per person is great. 


Once you pay the joining fee I’ll invite you to the group and you can start your weekly homework. 


Your fee pays for a master class. I don't take a wage from this. This isn’t about making bank... this is about getting shit done together. 


If you don’t want to pay a joining fee that’s cool too. I'm just recommending all the tools which makes us more accountable... you know your own brain best! 


If there is a task you think we would all benefit from please email, this is a growing collective project which benefits from feedback. 




Letter from the Director. 


Hopefully all this is all clear and you are keen to join!


If this all sounds like fun (and it will be, I’m all about the fun) send me an email and I’ll join you up!

Easy peasy. 


My aim is to make sure we ALL to hit the ground running when we can, however we can. 


Club starts on the 6 NOV, let’s do this!



Pencil and Notebook
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